Greatest GIFT – Naomi Jeremiah

Faith, God's Wisdom, journey to healthy living, Life and dreams – Naomi Jeremiah

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Sink or Swim

Hardships are… well, hard. We don’t particularly enjoy them, even when we know they are producing good fruit in us. We also worry in the midst of them because we don’t know how long they are going to last or how they will turn out. Sometimes we even question God’s wisdom in letting us suffer from them. They are uncomfortable, disorienting, and a little scary. And when we feel that kind of pressure, we tend to complain.

God doesn’t like complaining. He has a solution for each of the hardships we go through. He knows how they will turn out. He has promised to be with us in them and to cause all of them to work together for our good if we love and trust Him. So when we complain about our trials, we are stepping out of sync with God and the environment of heaven. We are declaring that He might not have a solution, might not know how they will turn out, or might let them turn out in a way that ultimately harms us. That’s a contradiction to His character, purposes, and ways. It’s a negative statement about who we think He is.

Needless to say, this is not an attitude that invites the Lord’s Presence. In Numbers 11, His anger “blazed against” the Israelites who complained about their hardships. He dealt with them harshly because they had harsh opinions about Him. He kept His promises to the nation as a whole, but He withdrew the favor that would have been theirs if they had endured in faith. His Presence itself became a hardship rather than a blessing.

Resolve not to complain. About anything. Ever. Trust God’s dealings in your life, even when they seem torturous or confusing. Know without a doubt that His plans for you, even when mysterious, are good.

from: Experience God’s Presence


This was written years before the Covid pandemic and it sounded like it’s written today. Which means that at anytime in our lives, we will encounter hardships and trials. Large or small, still uncomfortable. Covid is worse because the whole world is affected. People are not only fearful; but at this time, entering third year of Covid, most are consumed in discouragement and mind fatigued. Most are not willing anymore to follow health protocols. But this is the period that hope is closer; not unless, we denied trusting God, then we will just sail along to the next round of plagues and so on and so forth.

God has plans for this Covid plague. Whatever they are, He wants us to stay in Faith that He is causing to work together in the midst of this pandemic an eventuality that would turn out for good for all of us. If we throw in the towel and lose sight of what He is doing, we will definitely suffer more emotionally and physically. Like the Bible people after the exodus from Egypt, they spent miserable 40 years in wilderness as the complaints grew louder and louder, that it became annoying to God who saved them from slavery. It’s the endurance in Faith that will pull all of us through to the finish line faster than when we are discontent and hopeless and turn our back away from God. More disasters follow suit. Since time immemorial, history proved it.

We need to stay positive for we have a positive God, bigger than life, JUDGE of our life! The new year is a new beginning. Wherever God leads us this year, I am in on His yacht of Salvation! I will listen and follow and be in sync with Father God. Complaints, dissatisfaction and hopelessness will not save us. We either swim with the Almighty or sink with the enemy of our souls.


Agenda of Fear, 2022 election is near

Fear’ is the virus

“Symptoms for this terrifying new Covid variant include a slight cough, sniffles, and a minor headache. Back in the 80’s, we called that “WINTER””

Fox News contributor Dr. Marty Makary warned against a new “wave of fear” taking hold over the omicron variant, warning it could fuel a “pandemic of lunacy” in the post COVID-19 era. The professor of health policy at Johns Hopkins University joined the “Brian Kilmeade Show” on Thursday to discuss the new variant, explaining it appears to be statistically milder than others. 

DR. MARTY MAKARY: We’re seeing this massive new wave of fear that is fueling our second pandemic after COVID-19, which is a pandemic of lunacy, which is omicron. Now I call it omi-cold. If you look at the epidemiological data, the epicenter is now way down from omicron. The hospitals had some hospitalizations, not much. They were short. They averaged two and a half days instead of eight days. But a study just came out of the University of Hong Kong telling us that omicron does not invade the lung tissue that’s deep in the respiratory tract. It stays superficial in the nose and bronchus. So that’s why we’re seeing a common cold-like illness. This new scientific data from the lab explains the epidemiological data and the bedside observation of doctors that this is far more mild… and that’s why I call it omi-cold.

It depends what headline you want, what message you want to send, I can recast any respiratory virus as a potential bubonic plague that’s going to destroy the United States. It’s just how you present the statistics.

We’ve got to reduce testing in low-risk situations. If you test everyone in the United States, you will find a virus particle in the nose of some fraction of Americans forever. … We can’t go hunting for a problem that is a very mild or asymptomatic illness. 

“According to the CDC, the symptoms of omicron include : congestion, runny nose, fatigue, and cough. This is the common cold. The symptoms are so mild, that the biggest fear is people won’t know they have it. This is nothing more than manufactured fear and hysteria. This is the best case scenario….the virus mutates to something so mild yet allows for mass infection and build up of natural antibodies.”

“When the Covid hysteria began in March 2020, I watched a video of a NYC doctor who was treating Covid patients and he said that after about a year the virus will mutate and weaken into a mild cold.

The video was over 60 minutes long and everything he said made a lot of sense, but he was ridiculed by the left and his video pulled after it received over a million views.

I wish I had written down his name so I can see what he’s saying now. But he predicted this at the very beginning that Covid would turn into a mere cold and was nothing to worry about. And he was right.”

“South Africa ministers announced the country is moving to stop contact tracing and quarantining of Omicron contacts. Healthcare experts discovered the Omicron is so weak that they do not need to trace the Omicron variant among the people.

This is good news for those who believe that the Omicron will help with herd immunity.
It’s bad news for Fauci and his political operatives pushing vaccinations.

Alex Berenson reported from News 24:

The Ministerial Advisory Committee (MAC) on Covid-19 has written to Health Minister Joe Phaahla, recommending that the quarantining of contacts be stopped as it is no longer viable in the current social and economic climate.

Furthermore, the committee said contact tracing was no longer necessary and should also be halted with immediate effect…

…With only a small number of contacts identified from a proportionally small Covid-19 cases, quarantining was no longer effective for containing the spread of the disease, MAC said.

The committee said testing was highly skewed toward detecting symptomatic cases, while the vast majority of cases are asymptomatic and go undetected.

“In addition, among the small proportion of symptomatic cases, testing is far from universal, since patients may not seek testing when their symptoms are mild and when testing would be burdensome and expensive. Furthermore, the SARS-CoV-2 test sensitivity is suboptimal, sometimes leading to false negative results.”

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To Whom you show extravagant Devotion…

… determines where you will spend eternity in the afterlife.


“Man’s chief end is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever.” To glorify God– that’s worship! To enjoy Him forever–that’s the all-encompassing reward! Whatever life brings, whatever the outcome of our daily journey on earth, having a personal relationship with God will give us joy, peace and contentment.

Let’s glorify Him for our Creator deserves worship for the wonderful things He has done for us; countless awesome goodness and love for us, sacrificing the death of His Son, Jesus, to save us. And there are benefits to worshiping Him here on earth and we will carry it through when we step in to the afterlife spending forever with Him, when we make Jesus our Savior and Lord. To worship Him is to give Him honor, respect and devotion.

Benefits of Worshiping God:

FORGIVENESS** True worshipers recognize God’s holiness and accept His forgiveness. Thru worship they are purified.

GUIDANCE** Those who honor God will be given wisdom and will receive His guidance day by day.

PROVISION** Jesus said that God will meet our material needs if we give Him first place in our lives.

LOVE** The love of God is experienced in the hearts of all of those who are true worshipers of God.

POWER** To all who give God the glory He deserves, He gives the enablement to do the things He requires of them.

PROTECTION** He faithfully watches over all who acknowledge Him, and He keeps them in all of life’s changing circumstances.

GLORY** All true worshipers will one day be glorified. They’ll inherit a new heaven and a new earth and join a company of believers and angels in perfect, uninterrupted worship.

Excerpts from Our Daily Bread/WORSHIP

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Will this completely happen in our lifetime?

The Great Reset


The lines used to be so clear. On the one side were free markets, free societies, and openly-elected representative governments.

On the other, was the force of totalitarianism choking off individual initiative, private ownership of property, and providing a ballot box with but one choice, normally defined as communism.

The ideological lines were drawn as a titanic battle ensued across an iron curtain. The Western world united in a mixture of proud, independent, sovereign nations to fend off the creeping black plague that swallowed whole nations and erased their identities. In the end, the “Evil Empire” disintegrated under the weight of its own ignorance of human nature. Or did it?

Conservatives hailed the victory, dispatching communism to the “ash-heap of history.” Many Conservative leaders put forth the idea that we would now be living in a “Conservative era”. The demise of communism, some said, would allow a spirit of cooperation among nations, bringing the benefits of world-wide prosperity and a universal increase in the standard of living. Believing they had finally won the Cold War, many Conservatives went to sleep and left the world to a new threat that many old anti-communist warriors still haven’t recognized.

The assaults on property rights and personal privacy, along with the transformation of local schools under federal programs, and, above all, the seeming lack of concern for national sovereignty and protection of the nation’s borders, are the obvious contradictions to the proposition that Conservative ideas of limited government, free enterprise, and individual choice now reign supreme.

Other goals are now openly taking center stage. The rule of law in our Republic, designed to insure individual rights from intrusive government, is being replaced by an undefined term called social justice, which demands that the concerns of interest groups supersede the inherent rights of the individual. Further, the interests of the United States of America now tend to take a back seat to those of something called the “Global Commons.” National identities and individual religions are being morphed into non-descript and indistinguishable arrangements called global religion. The teaching of history has become an exercise in group-promotion and political correctness, with little regard for truth. Science has been reduced to nothing more than a convenient tool to promote political agendas. Self determination is being replaced with group-think.

This is what happens when the forces of freedom decide to nap as the forces of tyranny radically changed tactics from the old Soviet Union days. For thirty years I’ve been labeled conspiracy theorist, scaremonger, extremist, dangerous, nut case. I’ve been denied access to stages, major news programs, and awarded tin-foil hats, even by Conservative entities. It’s all because I began to sound the alarm over a movement to establish a global agenda of tyranny that would replace our independent Republic.

The forces of tyranny have actually been very vocal about their goals, but they have cleverly hidden the full intention behind innocent sounding purposes such as protecting the environment, eliminating poverty, and making society more diverse and acceptable.  Yet, in 1992, they boldly opened up, as 50,000 activists, heads of state, and powerful Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) met in a United Nations summit and revealed their Agenda for the 21st century. As they introduced it to the world, and 179 heads of state signed it, they boldly claimed it as a “Comprehensive blueprint for the reorganization of human society.” That sounds like a pretty serious gathering of some very powerful people. Could their intention be any clearer? Yet, to this day, many, including those who claim to be devoted forces for the cause of freedom, continue to deny the agenda exists. They ignored Agenda 21, laughed at Agenda 2030, and think the Green New Deal is just too radical to be taken seriously. Well, get ready. Here comes the final step.

The Great Reset

What they mean by the Great Reset is exactly what they warned that Agenda 21 was all about – the reorganization of human society. That means a massive change, or the outright elimination, of our economy, income sources and jobs, private property, personal privacy, individual choice, families as we know them, information sources, communication, entertainment, energy source and use, education process, food source, housing, cities, farms, health care, national sovereignty, and our system of government. And the goal is to accomplish it all by 2030. Now, how could that be possible?

It’s all been laid out very clearly in a new book entitled COVID-19: The Great Reset, written by Klaus Schwab, the head of the World Economic Forum. Interestingly the book was published in August of 2020, just five months after the Covid lockdown began, yet it claims to be based on much that was learned during that process. Considering that an idea for a book takes time to conceive, research, write and be printed and published, to do it all in that short of a time, is either super-human – or the Covid lockdowns and the Great Reset were all planned way in advance. Knowing what I have learned in the past thirty years, I’m going with the latter. So how do they plan to enforce the Great Reset and reorganize human society?

For decades the forces of globalism have been quietly and steadily organizing for this moment. The United Nations is the center of the storm, directing the action. The World Health Organization (WHO) sets the rules for global health policy. The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) control money and trade. The World Economic Forum (WEF) has created the blueprint for how it all merges together. As this cabal announced its plans for the Great Reset, world leaders, heads of state, banks around the globe, philanthropic foundations, and global corporations all jumped onto the plan. In the U.S., federal agencies, Wall Street, and the Federal Reserve have also joined in.

The Great Reset details a plan to create global interdependence, both an economic and a societal reset, detailing “The return of big government.” In addition, it details a geopolitical reset – designed to change our system of government, an environmental reset, mainly based on the threat of climate change and the continuing threat of pandemics. It even calls for an industry reset, which is a technocrat’s way of saying banning capitalism and free markets. And, finally, it outlines our coming mental health issues and well-being that will be affected as we cope with the shock of the destruction of our society through the Great Reset.

Now, many might justly think this is all simply the wish list of raving tyrants with no hope of pulling it off. Well, without going into massive detail, let me just share some of the highlights of exactly how they plan to carry this off as they affect every aspect of your life.

Throughout 2020 and now into the beginnings of 2021, the world has been locked down over fear of a global pandemic. Businesses shut down, healthcare facilities overrun and controlled by global and federal agencies; people forced to stay in their homes, wear masks, and not allowed to gather; offices and small businesses closed; sporting events with no audiences and entertainment near non-existent. We were told it was all necessary to “flatten the curve” of the disease so we could all get back to normal.

Meanwhile, as we were all lockdown in this panic, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) such as the Security and Sustainable Forum, were busy holding on-line town hall sessions to train activists, local officials, and the news media to “Examine commonalities between the pandemic preparedness and climate change action.” They proposed a plan on “where the world can be heading after the Covid 19 pandemic.” Meanwhile the WHO and the UN urged governments to focus on a plan to “flatten the climate curve.” The Brookings Institute issued a report entitled “How the Sustainable Development Goals can help cities focus Covid-19 recovery on inclusion, equity, and sustainability.” (By the way, those three items are the three principles of Agenda 21). At the same time the Club of Rome, one of the authors of Agenda 21, issued its own report, calling for a “Green Report” after the pandemic. These were all the beginning steps – the marching orders — to prepare the world for the true purpose of the Great Reset and the pandemic was the practice test. Climate change is to be the rallying cry.

Microsoft founder, Bill Gates then took the lead, demanding a worldwide, mandatory vaccine for an undefined disease with a recovery rate of 98.5%. Moreover, Gates, who has now become the largest farmland owner in the nation, has called on the nation to stop eating beef, instead suggesting we move to 100% synthetic beef. This is not just an idle suggestion. The national cattlemen are now being subjected to a Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef that enforced restrictions on beef producers which is putting thousands out of business. Incredibly, the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association has embraced it and the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) a major opponent to beef consumption, is now basically in control of the American beef industry.

Meanwhile, as G. Edward Griffin reports, “The Biden administration has launched a technocratic war on America’s food supply and is accelerating a global collapse in food production. This is being done by paying farmers NOT to grow food, ordering the Department of Agriculture to pursue a zero-growth policy, and placing restrictions on grocery stores, restaurants, and meatpacking plants. On top of that, the US is reeling from a severe shortage of fertilizer, which will cause crop yields to decrease and prices to rise. The US is completely sold out of food to export and other countries have stopped exporting their surplus to protect their domestic supplies in the face of a looming global famine.”

But Gate’s hasn’t stopped with just destroying the farm and beef industries. In addressing the Covid lockdown and the fact that entire economy has been nearly shut down, Gates said, “simply shutting down [the economy] is not going to get [us] to our goal. So just like we need innovation for COVID-19, we also need to get rid of emissions from all the different sectors and bring down climate change.” How do we do that, according to Gates, and the Great Reset cabal he speaks for? “This crosses many areas,” he said. “Transportation, industry, electricity, all those things – and agriculture – contribute to emissions…With climate, we need… increased speed and more. We need policies, we need more [research and development] money, we need more risk capital of all those hard areas.” How will that be done?

Well, now comes, perhaps, the most terrifying tactic to be used in the Great Reset to gain full control and bring about the destruction of our economy, system of government, and personal lifestyle. You’ve witnessed the unrelenting drive for a complete digital lifestyle, where everything about you is on-line, from your bank accounts, to everything you purchase at the grocery, to your posts on social media. It’s all now being prepared to use as a weapon to force your compliance to the Great Reset. And as usual, it’s all hidden under the labels of climate change, environmental correctness, and Sustainable. Here’s how it will work.

Within a year, 77% of institutional investors will stop buying into companies that aren’t, in some way, sustainable. Money managers on Wall Street, are now saying climate change is their main concern. This could well be a $120 trillion transformation of investment money, away from oil and gas, to electric vehicles, and even the way we think of car ownership all together. Will you be allowed to own one? Perhaps you will be forced into public transportation. This new sustainable investment drive will affect the $5 trillion global transportation industry, the $9 trillion healthcare industry, the $850 billion airline industry, the $600 billion exports industry and the $26 billion food delivery industry. If it’s not done by following “SUSTAINABLE” rules, it will not be financed. Companies will have to report tier climate information to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for a climate risk assessment. Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch, and Bank of America are already working on these policies.

How about your personal choices in life? How will they be affected? How will you be forced to toe the line? If your buying habits, as recorded on your credit cards and online bank accounts, show that you have purchased a gun or ammunition that will begin a personal profile of you. Add to that the kind of food you buy – perhaps you purchased beef, but not enough vegetables, that may indicate you are not be living a healthy, sustainable lifestyle. How much electricity do you use? Where have you traveled and how did you get there? How many buildings do you own? What kinds of things do you invest in? Each of these things represent your climate footprint and your dedication to social justice. Are you a proper citizen in this reorganization of human society?

Now, here is how all of this will personally affect you. Each of these things will be regularly entered into your profile and each one will affect your personal credit rating. A low credit rating will prevent you from getting a loan to buy a car, obtaining a mortgage, or even a business loan. This will effectively cut you out of society if you don’t change your habits and personal beliefs.

Perhaps you’ve already seen reports that the Bank of America was providing information on any of its cardholders who were in Washington, DC on January 6th when the violence occurred on Capitol Hill. They reported any charges for hotels, food, or transportation. This is just a sample of what will happen if the Great Reset is allowed to move forward. Eighty-one international banks have joined in partnership with the World Bank, along with the International monetary Fund and the U.S. Federal Reserve — which oversees all U.S. banks, plus our money supply.

Space does not allow me to go into detail on the growing assault on private property and single-family neighborhoods, now being implemented through the Biden Administration. In addition, private rental properties and landlords are under siege as rent controls and higher operating expenses and taxes threaten to put them out of business. Paper money will be replaced with digital currency that can disappear with a single key stroke, should you fail to conform. Universal income will finally make us all equal – equally poor and under control of whatever gang is in charge of the government plantation. That all conforms with the Great Reset as WEF head Klaus Schwab has said that in the future, no one will own anything and be happier for it. Under the Great Reset there will be no private property.

The first target in changing human society is to cancel our culture. Change the language. Call any thought contrary to the agenda “hate speech.” Control freedom of movement. Erase history and books that present positions contrary to the globally acceptable truth. Force compliance.

If only the world had read and acted upon the rantings of Adolph Hitler’s “Mein Kampf,” we could have prevented World War Two. If only the world had acted to toss Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto on the trash heap, we could have saved Russia 70 years of horror – and millions would now be suffering the tyranny of Red China.

Today you and I have another chance. We now know where the Great Reset is headed. There are millions of Americans, and others around the world, who are alarmed by what we are all witnessing and want to stop it. We can. But to start, we must focus, first on the local and state levels by fighting on four distinct fronts. These include education, where the fight must focus on academics and an end to the psychology-driven behavior modification federal programs; the right to privacy, where an all-out effort must be made to stop the establishment of federal data banks that document personal information; private property rights, which guarantee private ownership, control and protection of real and intellectual property; and protection of national sovereignty and independence.  

No matter how powerful these forces are, if we can protect our fundamental rights then they cannot impose their tyranny. Your city council and state legislature have much more power than most even know, including protecting election integrity. Organize and use that power. Stop them on those four fronts and the Great Reset will cease to exist.

There is a Great Awaking taking place as more begin to understand the lies of the Great Reset cabal. The tyrant’s greatest fear is that the oppressed will finally get off our knees, stand up, and say no!


Tom DeWeese is one of the nation’s leading advocates of individual liberty, free enterprise, private property rights, personal privacy, back-to-basics education and American sovereignty and independence.


Aspirin: Covid Virus Reliever

I read an amazing article that caught my attention about Aspirin and Covid 19 Virus. It gives a lot of hope for our world struggling with the unprecedented crises we have all been dealing with for more than a year now. This type of news are hidden from our eyes by mainstream media who are gung ho for all of the earth population to be covid vaxed regardless whether most people are not comfortable and against the idea of vaccine mandates. In one recent news I’ve read, 97% of unvaccinated population is now protected from Covid 19 virus infection due to those relatives and friends who are vaccinated and Covid infected survivors. This would make sense if these relatives and friends are also still following mask wearing and social distancing aside from sanitizing and washing their hands more often than not. We can only hope that the light at the end of the tunnel is getting closer in sight.

Anyway, here is the article about the miracle drug called aspirin and it’s connection with Covid 19 brouhaha we have all been enduring for months now.

In a recent study from George Washington University, over-the-the-counter aspirin was shown to stabilize the lungs of COVID-19 patients, reducing the need for mechanical ventilation.

According to The Jerusalem Post, the study looked at over 400 COVID patients from hospitals across the country who took aspirin for reasons unrelated to their COVID disease. The team of researchers found that aspirin reduced the likelihood of many endpoints, including mechanical ventilation, ICU hospitalizations, and total in-hospital deaths.

“As we learned about the connection between blood clots and COVID-19, we knew that aspirin – used to prevent stroke and heart attack – could be important for COVID-19 patients,” said research team member Dr. Jonathan Chow. “Our research found an association between low-dose aspirin and decreased severity of COVID-19 and death.”

Low-dose aspirin is often given to people who have had a heart attack or a myocardial infarction to treat blood clotting issues or reduce their stroke risk, the report said. ARDS, or acute respiratory distress syndrome, is caused by blockages in the pulmonary blood system caused by the coronavirus, which targets the respiratory system.

“Aspirin is low cost, easily accessible and millions are already using it to treat their health conditions,” explained Chow. “Finding this association is a huge win for those looking to reduce risk from some of the most devastating effects of COVID-19.”

Israeli researchers from the Barzilai Medical Center in March conducted a pilot study where they found comparable outcomes. Apart from preventing blood clots, they discovered that aspirin had immunological advantages and that those who took it had a 29% lower risk of contracting the virus.

Between the first of February and the last day of June of 2020, researchers at the Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS) examined data from around 10,000 Israelis who had their COVID-19 levels checked.

To find out whether a modest dosage of aspirin may help prevent or treat cardiovascular disease, the researchers looked at people who consistently take it vs those who don’t take it.

They observed that the first group had a 29% lower risk of contracting the virus than the other.

“This observation of the possible beneficial effect of low doses of aspirin on COVID-19 infection is preliminary but seems very promising,” the study’s lead author, Prof. Eli Magen of the Barzilai Medical Center, stated in a press statement.

Knowing its well-documented ability to boost the immune system’s ability to combat certain viral infections, the researchers chose to test its potential against COVID-19.

According to their findings, those who took aspirin and then became sick recovered quicker than those who didn’t, on average, by two or three days. Furthermore, these same individuals tested negative for the virus in a shorter period of time after first testing positive.

Thus, the doctors said that they want to pursue this matter further.

In this research, Dr. Milana Frenkel-Morgenstern of the Azrieli Faculty of Medicine at Bar-Ilan University aimed to better understand the possible beneficial benefits of aspirin in helping the human immune system’s fight against COVID-19.

“We intend to investigate a larger cohort of patients and in randomized clinical trials,” she said.

Medicines based on acetylsalicylic acid – the active ingredient in aspirin – have been used for years to relieve a variety of symptoms, including pain, fever, and inflammation. The pharmaceutical firm Bayer came up with the term in the late 1800s. Hence, Aspirin became a widely prescribed medication all over the world.

In addition to these two studies, The Blaze claimed that another comparable study has been conducted.

Medical Express reported earlier this month that experts from the University of Minnesota and Basel University in Switzerland had reached the same result.

The results, published in The Lancet’s Open Access eClinical Medicine, showed that patients taking blood thinners prior to contracting COVID had lower hospitalization rates despite being older and having more chronic illnesses. Blood thinners, whether taken before or after COVID-19 infection, decreased mortality by almost half.

BY: Sarah Mae Saliong

Via: Christianity Today

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Time will tell which is worse

Covid 19 News Update

By Jennifer Margulis

The answer may be in the antibodies, a new study suggests.

Are the antibodies we produce to fight COVID-19 infection causing severe disease?

A new paper—so new in fact that it hasn’t yet been peer-reviewed—from scientists in Hangzhou, China, appears to indicate just that.

The researchers’ data suggests that at least two antibodies that target the spike protein that enables the COVID-19 virus to enter human cells are “pathogenic”—meaning these antibodies create illness all by themselves.

It’s hard to think of antibodies—one of the body’s best infection fighters—as “pathogenic,” but that’s exactly what happens in autoimmune disease. Antibodies that the body develops in response to foreign invaders attach to body tissues instead, sometimes causing catastrophic damage.

In early 2020, Japanese researchers discovered that many COVID-19 deaths were caused by part of the body’s immune reaction. In a peer-reviewed article published in Inflammation and Regeneration, the scientists argued that it was a “cytokine storm” that overwhelmed the body and was implicated in the high death rates from the virus.

This new Chinese study shows that yet another component of the immune system may be a danger as well.

The fact that antibodies that target COVID-19’s spike protein are harmful is disturbing enough, but it’s especially disturbing knowing that these same antibodies are likely to be triggered by COVID-19 vaccines as well as the virus.

All three of the vaccines approved for emergency use by the CDC stimulate the production of antibodies against the spike protein—the mRNA vaccines from Moderna and Pfizer, and the recombinant vector vaccine from Johnson and Johnson.

Spike Protein Antibodies Attack Body Tissues

The Chinese researchers suspected that some antibodies triggered by a pathogenic virus could attack body tissues. To test the hypothesis, they identified seven different COVID-19 antibodies. They then analyzed how well each of these antibodies bound to human lung cells, both healthy and damaged ones. Antibodies binding to your own tissue cells can cause autoimmune damage.

As the researchers expected, two of the antibodies bound strongly to damaged lung cells—and one of those bound strongly to healthy cells as well.

The researchers then injected the antibodies, as well as some combinations, into the bodies of healthy pregnant mice at three-day intervals. They wanted to see what, if any, damage the antibodies would do to the mice and their pups.

Again as expected, the same two antibodies that had bound well to the human lung cells did extensive damage to the mouse pups’ tissues.

In fact, the antibody that could bind to healthy human lung cells, REGN10987, killed nearly half the pups.

“This is a very troubling finding,” says Zoey O’Toole, a vaccine safety advocate who has a background in physics and engineering and who reviewed the study carefully. “It should give anyone pause, especially pregnant women.”

How Does SARS-CoV-2 Kill?

One of the big questions about SARS-CoV-2, also known as COVID-19, is exactly how it causes serious illness in those who have died as well as in others who develop long-term symptoms.

Most viruses cause short-term illness that resolves once the body has had time to develop antibodies, which appears to be the case for the majority of people who contract COVID-19.

Why is it, then, that some people die after two to three weeks of illness, when their immune systems have already cleared the virus from their bodies?

And why do some people—known as “long haulers”—have long-term multi-organ damage that seems to have nothing to do with the virus itself?

We know that no two people have identical immune responses. With COVID-19, we’ve also seen that those who get severely ill have higher levels of inflammatory cytokines in their blood. This is the “cytokine storm” that the media latched onto as an explanation for severe infectious disease.

How Antibodies Create Severe Disease

But elevated cytokines are only part of the picture. Researchers have long suspected an autoimmune aspect to severe COVID-19 disease as well.

An article in Nature in January noted that surprisingly high percentages of people with severe disease from COVID-19 had auto-immune antibodies. These antibodies targeted the immune system itself, as well as the blood vessels, heart, and brain.

Since COVID-19 was first identified, we have seen auto-immune responses worsening the effect of the disease, increasing inflammation and immune dysregulation, and sometimes increasing the activity of the virus itself.

The Chinese researchers don’t suggest how the antibodies damage tissues, but autoimmunity researchers have long understood that the particular proteins our antibodies lock on to when they target a virus are sometimes found in our own cells.

This “molecular mimicry” might be only a partial match, but even that can be enough to cause otherwise helpful antibodies to attack our own healthy cells.

COVID-19 Vaccine Design

The findings from this pre-print have profound implications for vaccine design. In order for a vaccine to be as safe and effective as possible, it would have to be one that stimulates antibodies that neutralize the pathogen but don’t bind to any body tissues, so that people who got it would be safe from autoimmune effects.

Unfortunately, it seems that industry scientists didn’t take molecular mimicry into consideration when designing the COVID-19 vaccines.

The spike protein that makes SARS-CoV-2 so infectious to humans was the target the vaccine makers focused on when designing their vaccines. They believed that the spike protein itself, apart from the rest of the virus, was harmless. If the isolated protein wasn’t the disease agent, getting the body to make the protein for a short time would be safe.

But, as the new research from China underscores, there may be at least three problems with this approach.

Potential Problems with COVID-19 Spike Protein Vaccines

Firstly, the spike protein itself isn’t harmless, as has since been found. In fact, according to science published by an international team of researchers in March in the journal Circulation Research, the spike protein can damage lung endothelial cells, just like the ones that bound to the antibodies in the Chinese study, as well as the endothelial cells that line blood vessels throughout the body.

“If you remove the replicating capabilities of the virus, it still has a major damaging effect on the vascular cells,” Dr. Uri Manor, co-author of the study and a researcher at the Salk Institute of Biological Studies in La Jolla, California, said in an interview for

In the first paragraph of the press release, asserts in parentheses that spike proteins “behave very differently from those safely encoded in the vaccines.” However, neither the study itself or the press release offer any evidence to justify this claim. At the same time, we have seen that many adverse effects reported after vaccination, including blood clots and strokes, are vascular events similar to those associated with the disease itself.

Secondly, as this new research shows, antibodies generated to neutralize the spike protein may be particularly toxic to human cells, especially if the cells have already been damaged.

Finally, the Hangzhou researchers’ data suggested that the one thing that could prevent the ill effects of the pathogenic antibodies is when there are also non-pathogenic antibodies alongside them, doing their job normally. But whether the vaccines as they’ve been formulated can actually trigger production of healthy, non-pathogenic antibodies remains an open question.

“This study suggests that antibodies to other parts of the virus can counteract the potential harm of anti-spike antibodies,” explains O’Toole. “That’s an important finding. But there’s no virus in the mRNA vaccines. So, it’s very unlikely that these vaccines can produce enough beneficial antibodies to help.”

The Upshot

As we learn more about SARS-CoV-2’s ability to harm human beings, there is a growing body of evidence that suggests the vaccines can also cause harm.

In our rush to find a way to prevent severe COVID-19, we may unwittingly be doing more harm than good. It may be years before we know the full extent of the damage.

Which was worse, the disease or its preventive? Only time will tell.

Read More at The Epoch Times

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It started with the Battery Charger!

I’m rediscovering the books I set aside for 📚 reading, but never find time to read them. Why is that?!

Due to the many opportunities to do all kinds of things when life was normal, and that at the drop of a 👒 hat, we can go mall shopping, walk around with no fear of crowded places, go eat out in a busy, noisy restaurant, go on vacation and do hotel hopping and enjoy breakfast in a crowded room of hungry strangers 🙃; more than two dozens of books I bought and placed in a cabinet were totally forgotten.

Not until I started searching for a battery charger of my mini video camera I had bought but I have never used either. It led me checking up for two small video cameras 📷 I bought through HSN four years ago, when I was tempted to buy this week a camcorder for Vlogging.

I wanted to find out if I can use one of those video cameras for vlogging. Since I have not used the mini video camera, I did not have any idea how to use it. But of course coming to my senses, I noticed the battery attached to the camera. Since I have not used it, the battery needs to be charged. I started looking for its charger but unfortunately 😕 I did some organizing of my gadgets and placed the ones I have not used in a bag and placed them in a closet. The charger is nowhere to be found.

I checked the cabinets where I kept the books I purchased and since it was impossible to look for a charger and/or the camera box with full of books and music CDs and traveling videos I’ve collected through the years; I had to take all the contents in the cabinet to find my way to what I was looking for. As I went through all the books, I was amazed that I have all forgotten them.

As I went through them and placing the books in two boxes, I separated the ones I am now interested in reading and put them in a big open bag so I can start reading them. These are books I mostly bought in some Christian bookstores and those books don’t age, just like the Holy Bible. I have about seven different versions of the Holy Book and there was only one Bible in the mix of books I placed in the cabinet and forgotten.

I am still in search for the battery charger which now has led me to a mission of cleaning all my closets to organize those items and miscellaneous possessions I need to donate for this year.

Starting this evening though, it’s refreshing to read one of the forgotten books which would help me to get away from social media and the stressful happenings all over the 🌎 world.

Battery Charger Update: I did find the battery charger and was able to bring up to speed my two cameras I can use for Blogging. Unfortunately, I got distracted again and I was not able to continue the video blogging, which I needed to put aside for the meantime. The distraction was brought by getting a new desktop, a 27 inch Apple IMAC which came out last year. I’ve always owned a Microsoft System, the last one was purchased in 2010. In changing to IMAC, I have to start all over again in familiarizing a different system totally different from Microsoft Windows. There are many pros and cons, but it’s a challenge in the mind that I mostly welcome.

Then some freak accident that involved a visit to the emergency room, threw me off the radar and I had to nurse and heal myself for more than a month. Not really the best time to be in that situation especially with the Covid crisis that is still lurking out there.

I am fortunate though, that I have close ties with few friends and relations to get me through the hurdle. I was able to overcome and healed with the Grace of God. He came through for me again. With God, He makes trials easier to manage. He comforted, guided and best of all, healed me with His miraculous touch.

Jesus is still in the Healing Business!

Those books I have are waiting to be read, the videos I have in my video files, are waiting to be uploaded and edited, the Mac system features and software updates are eagerly waiting on the sidelines, and the printer and scanner hooked up to Mac are waiting to be tested! My Microsoft Desktop is still my main informational updater, as well as my Tablet, my portable laptop, and cell phones are as important gadgets to keep with the times, as well as friends who need to bend my ear so to listen to their anxious and sometimes happy hearts. And not forgetting the daily house chores and treadmill walks and upper and lower back exercises. Come to think of it, I got busier now than before the pandemic!

And time with God/Jesus must be Priority!